The Big Nasty

Big Nasty

When I am in Tennessee, my friend and I go see our friend Adam Tyler.  I’ve known Adam since he was in high school.  Then he went to culinary school because he loves food. After a few years of doing this and doing that, meeting this famous person and cooking for that famous person, today he is the Chef at Gourmet’s Market in Knoxville, Tennessee.  It wasn’t enough that he already had amazing breakfasts like the Toad in a Hole, the Frog in a Ditch, and the Cinnamon Raisin French Toast but then he went and created The Big Nasty.  I love this dish so much, I bought the T-shirt!   So, add The Big Nasty to your bucket list and take a road trip to Knoxville.  You can thank me later, but also, be sure to get Adam’s grits. These aren’t your Mama’s or Gammy’s grits!!  You’re welcome.



The most precious gift we have, is time.  Value it, cherish it, with family and friends.  Make it a priority to take time to enjoy it.  No talk about work, turn the TV off, put the cell phone away, far away and have real face to face talk and make someone feel blessed and happy.  Enjoy!!

Coffee Couple


Chag Sameach!

This is a drawing I did for a couple who enjoys their coffee and have a moment or two with one another. I even misspelled their names just like a real Barista!

Mele Kalikimaka

Bubble Lights

Bubble lights are my favorite Christmas lights.  I remember when I was little we had some of these and then you never saw them until a few years ago when they kind of made a come back as “cool”.  When my mom was alive, she was the kind of person that thought it was her responsibility to make Christmas happen, and I don’t mean just in our house, but world-wide! She shopped all year around for big gifts, small gifts, stocking stuffers, candy, and if you mentioned anything that you liked, no matter what time of year it was, you’d be sure to receive a package in the mail with that item(s) at Christmas, so I had to be careful of what I said.  I made the mistake one time of just casually mentioning that I liked Almond m&m’s…Wow! I didn’t know they came in that size…   One year, I slipped and mentioned that I saw some bubble lights like we had when I was little and wanted to get some but before I knew it, a box came with about 7 boxes of bubble lights in it!  We still have those lights and they are very special to us especially since they are full of memories. You find yourself getting lost in thoughts of people, family, Christmas past,  just gazing at them. I love the part of life how something can take you to a memory of childhood or some good moment.  We sincerely hope for new, great memories to be yours this week!


Happy Thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and so much of it is about tradition. There are few things in all of life better than being with family and/or friends, or someone special and sharing a meal. That’s why I’m posting my traditional turkey sketch. Enjoy and enjoy your family and friends this season of thanksgiving. We really do have so much to be thankful for. Being thankful can totally change your outlook on life and its circumstances. Blessings!